Show all Adv Design Photo Web Centered Gallery Full-WidthWeb Sidebar StackDesign Sidebar Slides Full-WidthAdv Centered SlidesPhoto Sidebar Gallery Full-WidthDesign Sidebar Custom TwoWeb September 1, 2022CalWave successfully concludes historic wave energy pilot in California with zero intervention and 99% uptimeby CalWave June 11, 2024CalWave and AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles sign MOU to advance toward wave energy projects offshore Californiaby CalWave March 26, 2024CalWave selected as technology provider for wave energy project in British Columbiaby CalWave October 18, 2023California Enacts Landmark Wave Energy Legislationby CalWave September 14, 2023CalWave joins United Nations 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy Compactby CalWave May 2, 2023California state senator introduces bill calling for ocean energy strategic planby CalWave January 4, 2023CalWave featured in OC Register: “Can West Coast waves help power state energy grids?”by CalWave