CalWave is deeply grateful for the ongoing support from our partners. A snapshot from PNNL of how we are working together:
Recently, multiple TFiT teams were given the exciting opportunity to conduct environmental monitoring tests around a deployed wave energy converter (WEC) in La Jolla, California. In September 2021, in collaboration with SIO, CalWave deployed their xWave™ technology for open water demonstration. The xWave™ is a fully operational, submerged WEC that will be deployed for six months for performance testing, providing an opportunity for Triton to collect valuable empirical environmental monitoring data. This demonstration is the first open water, submerged, long-duration deployment of an operational WEC in California and marks a momentous milestone for in-water testing of marine energy devices. We are thankful for the CalWave team for collaborating with us to deploy several technologies around the devices to collect data during the performance test.
Learn more about our collaboration with PNNL to gather environmental monitoring data from our San Diego pilot here.