Show all Arts Business Company News Lifestyle Newsletters Partnerships Press Press Releases Travel Uncategorized PartnershipsPress May 19, 2022CalWave Featured by UC San Diego: “StartBlue Demo Day Spotlights UC San Diego’s Commitment to Blue Tech Innovation” PartnershipsPress Releases April 27, 2022CalWave and Launch Alaska sign MOU to advance planning of wave energy projects PartnershipsPress April 20, 2022CalWave Featured by Pacific Northwest National Labs: “One Size Does Not Fit All: Environmental Monitoring for Marine Energy” PartnershipsPress March 28, 2022CalWave Featured by US DOE: “CalWave Launches California’s First Long-Term Wave Energy Project” PartnershipsPress January 19, 2022CalWave Featured in Offshore Energy: “CalWave’s xWave prototype emerges as platform for various environmental monitoring ops” PartnershipsPress January 13, 2022CalWave Featured by PNNL: “Partners Make Triton’s Research Possible – A Year of Collaborative Research”