September 1, 2022CalWave successfully concludes historic wave energy pilot in California with zero intervention and 99% uptime June 11, 2024CalWave and AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles sign MOU to advance toward wave energy projects offshore California March 26, 2024CalWave selected as technology provider for wave energy project in British Columbia October 18, 2023California Enacts Landmark Wave Energy Legislation September 14, 2023CalWave joins United Nations 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy Compact May 2, 2023California state senator introduces bill calling for ocean energy strategic plan January 4, 2023CalWave featured in OC Register: “Can West Coast waves help power state energy grids?” December 17, 2022CalWave congratulates FIRST Lego League Challenge teams on wave energy accomplishments November 16, 2022CalWave featured by Jobs for the Future (JFF): “Horizons: On the Record – Growing Green Jobs” October 20, 2022CalWave receives NHA’s Outstanding Stewards of America’s Waters Award September 7, 2022CalWave featured on CNBC: “How waves could power a clean energy future” September 6, 2022CalWave featured by CleanTechnica: “Wave Energy Converter Passes First Test, Now It’s Off To Oregon” July 27, 2022CalWave Featured on Bayh-Dole Coalition Panel: “Beating the Energy Crisis with Innovation” July 5, 2022CalWave Featured on My Climate Journey: “Startup Series” May 19, 2022CalWave Featured by UC San Diego: “StartBlue Demo Day Spotlights UC San Diego’s Commitment to Blue Tech Innovation” April 27, 2022CalWave and Launch Alaska sign MOU to advance planning of wave energy projects April 20, 2022CalWave Featured by Pacific Northwest National Labs: “One Size Does Not Fit All: Environmental Monitoring for Marine Energy” March 28, 2022CalWave Featured by US DOE: “CalWave Launches California’s First Long-Term Wave Energy Project”